
Rest API Complete Guide on Rest API with Python and Flask

It is up to us, the developers, to choose the tools and libraries we want to use. We already chose two of those tools in Flask-SQLAlchemy and Marshmallow. Now, go back to the flask_rest_api directory in your terminal window and install everything using pipenv. Once pipenv has finished installing all of our dependencies we can activate our virtualenv and start working. The return value from a function in a Flask app should be JSON serializable. This function wraps json.dumps() to turn the JSON output into a Response object with application/json mime-type.

Open product/ and create a Flask blueprint that contains the home view, and then use it in the application. The above commands should install all the required packages that are needed for this application to work. The following packages need to be installed for the application that we’ll be developing. Flask a very simple framework for Python that allows you to build a REST API within minutes.

Validating Responses:

If you have never used Python before, I strongly recommend you to check out the official guide on Python’s official website to kick start your Python experience. Open the POSTMAN API tool and hit on each HTTP method request. First, when we use post request using Name, it gives us a name.

  • Any time the configuration file changes, the Swagger UI changes as well.
  • With all the endpoints to manage people in place, it’s time to try out your API.
  • RESTful APIs are stateless and allow clients to access and manipulate web resources using a standard set of operations.
  • In contrast, you only need to know the ID of the note that you want to get rid of when calling delete().
  • Besides the Transaction class, we also defined a TransactionSchema.

Once you commit new_person to the database, your database engine assigns a new primary key value and a UTC-based timestamp to the object. You’ve created a foundation with a basic Flask project and added endpoints, which you’ll connect to a SQLite database. You’re also testing your API with Swagger UI API documentation that you’re building along the way.

Step 7: Running the Flask Application

To facilitate the process, we currently manipulate incomes as dictionaries. However, we will soon create classes to represent incomes and expenses. To check that this script is working correctly, we run ./ to get similar results as when executing the “Hello, world!” application. First and foremost, we will need to install some dependencies on our development machine. We will need to install Python 3, Pip (Python Package Index), and Flask. FastAPI is growing at high speed, with 48k stars on Github, 370 contributors, and more than 3.9k forks.

Currently, you’re storing the data of your Flask project in a dictionary. That means that any data changes get lost when you restart your Flask application. Now it’s time to go into the back end and work with a proper database. Before you continue working on your Flask project, it’s a good idea to create and activate a virtual environment. That way, you’re installing any project dependencies not system-wide but only in your project’s virtual environment.

Add New Dependencies

More and more open source libraries are being released to address many different subjects, like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and web development. Testing Fast API and Flask applications is easy and enjoyable with Apidog. Apidog is a collaborative restful api python flask API development platform that allows you to design, document, mock, and test your APIs with ease. Or do I have to create an instance of FooAPI in the controller? It seems like there has to be an easy way to do this that I’m just not understanding…

SSL is disabled.This is used when we want to host the Flask application on HTTPS instead of HTTP. You’ve successfully built a REST API to keep track of notes for people who may visit you throughout the year. Your database contains people like the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Knecht Ruprecht. By adding notes, you can keep track of your good deeds and hopefully receive valuable gifts from them.

Giusy Donato
Amo scrivere e comunicare emozioni e sentimenti. Sono laureata in "Lingue e letteratura straniere", ma da anni sono nel mondo della scrittura, per blog online e giornali cartacei. Ho pubblicato un mio romanzo ma il successo più importante è mia figlia